When we are applying the batch or release to QA or Production Server we need to execute set of SQL files from folder and sub folders. This post explains the easiest way to execute multiple SQL files from specified folder and sub folders by using BAT file.
How to execute multiple SQL files on SQL Server
SQL Server provides SQLCMD utility to execute the SQL scripts or SQL files in command prompt. We can call that utility in batch file to execute the multiple SQL files from the directory and it gives output log file for each file execution. We created batch file and mentioned scripts and download link as below. You just place the bat file on your SQL files folder and execute the same by double click on it.
How the batch file executing in command prompt
There are set of process will be executing in bat file which as follows,
- Initially the batch file will check and delete list.txt file if the file already exist in the directory.
- Create new list.txt file based on what are the SQL file available in the directory.
- It will prompt and get response about Server, Database and credential to execute the SQL files.
- You can use existing list.txt file for execution or you can mention the custom ordered list file name.
Finally it will create log file for each SQL file execution output to specified folder.
Execution Output:
Copy below script and save as ExecuteMultipleSQLFile.bat
@echo off
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Remove Existing file list and Creating new one based on the SQL files available including sub folders
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IF EXIST list.txt DEL /Q .\list.txt
for /f %%i in ('dir *.sql /s /b 2^> nul ^| find "" /v /c') do set FileCount=%%i
IF "%FileCount%"=="0" (
echo There is no SQL files to execute on current and sub directory.
goto commonexit
IF NOT "%FileCount%"=="0" (
dir *.sql /b /s /a-d >> list.txt
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Collecting Server, Database and Credential
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SET server=%1
set catalog=%2
set authen=%3
set user=%4
set password=%5
set _sqllist=%6
@If "%1" == "" set /p server= Please enter the server name:
@If "%2" == "" set /p catalog= Please enter the database name:
@If "%3" == "" set /p authen= Is the Server supports windows Authentication(Y/N):
IF "%authen%"=="N" goto credential
IF "%authen%"=="Y" goto prompt_sqllist
Echo Invalid Entry..!
goto commonexit
@If "%4" == "" set /p user= Please enter the Username:
@If "%5" == "" set /p password= Please enter the password:
goto prompt_sqllist
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Assigning Customized order file list
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SET /P filelist=Already SQL files list generated as list.txt in the directory. Do you want to execute the same order(Y/N):
IF "%filelist%"=="Y" (
SET _sqllist=list.txt
goto fileprocess
IF "%filelist%"=="N" (
@If "%6" == "" SET /P _sqllist=Please specify the customized order list file name:
goto fileprocess
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Executing SQL files from the directory
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IF "%_sqllist%"=="EXIT" GOTO:EOF
IF "%_sqllist%"=="" GOTO:sub_nosqllist
IF NOT EXIST %_sqllist% GOTO:sub_nofile
rem : remove previous log files
rem mkdir %mypath%\%catalog%
IF EXIST .\output\%catalog% RMDIR /S /Q .\output\%catalog%
IF NOT EXIST .\output\%catalog% mkdir .\output\%catalog%
rem CLS
IF "%authen%"=="N" (
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (%_sqllist%) do (
ECHO Executing file "%%f"
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
sqlcmd -S %server% -U %user% -P %password% -d %catalog% -i "%%f" >.\output\%catalog%\%%~nxA.log
IF "%authen%"=="Y" (
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (%_sqllist%) do (
ECHO Executing file "%%f"
For %%A in ("%%f") do (
sqlcmd -S %server% -d %catalog% -i "%%f" >.\output\%catalog%\%%~nxA.log
rem : clear variables
SET _sqllist=
ECHO Process completed. Please verify the results in output folder.
GOTO commonexit
ECHO Server List file name not supplied
GOTO commonexit
ECHO SQL file does not exist
GOTO :prompt_sqlfile
See Also:
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